Our Vision
Across the Globe, We Are United.
PWF seeks a country of social justice, where poverty has been overcome, and people live in dignity and security. DSK aims to be a partner of choice within a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty.
The institutional mission of PWF is to support and strengthen the economy at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid by facilitating access to financial services for the poor, marginalized and disadvantaged.Helping the marginal people we would like to make a poverty free society
Our Goals:
PWF is committed to the following objectives to achieve its vision and mission: Providing health care (primary, secondary andtertiary care) and family welfare services to the rural and urban poor in general, and, in particular,to women and children.
Implementing illiteracy eradication programme among the children and adults.
Implementing programmes of water supply, environmental sanitation facilities and hygiene education to the rural andurban poor and extreme poor in particular.
Exploiting all potential options prevailing at the local level to generate gainful employment for the rural and urban poor, with special emphasis on expanding women’s participation in income-generating ventures.
Linking various production inputs, particularly disbursement of credit to the rural and urbanpoor for realizing the available employment generation opportunities.
Contributing to improve the living conditions of the rural and urban poor, campaigning about their right for better livelihood opportunities.
Empowerment of community-based institutions with visual leadership of women and poor people.
Sensitizing and strengthening the corporate sector, local government, local private service provider and the community in general about their role in the development process, facilitating and encouraging collaborative arrangements.
Launching of awareness, relief and rehabilitation program among the victims in the wake of natural calamities and disasters.